Air Freight: Securing High-Risk Cargo
The European Commission has recently strengthened air cargo security controls and, all the more so, high-risk cargo.
Definition of high-risk cargo:
- Freight from sensitive countries; or
- Local freight showing signs of tampering: regardless of whether the cargo or mail comes from a known or unknown entity, it can be rendered as high-risk if the nature of the cargo or mail is such that baseline security measures alone are unlikely to detect introduction of prohibited items, or if it shows anomalies that give rise to suspicion; or
- Freight indicated as a threat by a State's specific intelligence.
The inspection-filtering of high-risk cargo must be performed using two security screening methods (X-ray under two different angles, dual-view X-ray, or X-ray with K9 detection, etc.). Both security checks must meet compliance regulations in order to declare freight eligible for air transport.
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